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A project that integrates content about the menstrual products, using a website to centralize information, with points of contact on social media and urban art.

Designers: Bernardo Quental • Cecilia Quental • Giovana Malka • Juliana Cruz • Yasmin Albanêz

introduction is a hybrid communication project for young women (19-24 years old) who are looking for more sustainable menstrual product alternatives than the conventional pads and tampons. The project comprises an online platform, with 2 external links: Instagram and interventions in public spaces. The user perceives the communication about menstruation on the street, with the use of mentions and hashtags, crosses social networks until being redirected to the website.

The project was developed in 4 months, with extensive research that contextualizes the theme of menstruation and its social impacts, explores the historical and contemporary context, and the different types of menstruation products. With a team of 5 designers from different areas working in harmony, we noticed a dispersion and lack of verified information related to the menstrual cup, so we idealized and produced


the brand

The process of Colete-se's visual identity, the name we chose for this project, was based on the diversity of folds, models
and sizes that a menstrual cup can present. Being that our main objective is to inform through the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the transparency of the logo suggests the overlapping of narratives,
thus compiling more concise information through different experiences.

The choice to create these foldings for the brand is directly linked to the folds that the user of menstrual cups makes to insert the object into her body. Sometimes in outline, sometimes filled in, alluding to the full and empty cup.

a marca

graphic language

The project has a minimalist aesthetic, with saturated colors applied to backgrounds and details.


We opted for interactive images, such as GIFs and youthful textual languages, and visuals that generate identification, such as the glitter and red lipstick. The use of hands and mouths (as the protagonist in the images and gifs we produce) humanizes the project in a subtle way, and it could be anyone (since you can't see the face), why not the user herself?

Color Palette

Gifs generated durring the project



Instagram is a great platform for interaction and intimate communication, and we intend to use this to our advantage. Through a young and "humorous" language we hit our main audience: young people from 19 to 24 years old.


To enjoy the interactivity that this social network enables, we create hashtags linked to urban interventions, and highlights that encourage our followers
to mention our Instagram on their own profile, generating an organic promotion }of our (instant and free). This strategy facilitate our reach and generates content in a fluid, self-sustaining way.

O perfil do Instagram do projeto (


urban art

For the project to gain greater visibility beyond social media, we opted for the idea of ​​using the graphic language of stencil art. This urban intervention reaches people beyond our age group and who are not so active in social media, in addition to instigating reflection in those who do not menstruate. The great differential of this approach is the awakening of curiosity about the project and the possibility of a chain dissemination.

The stencil can be used with natural paints so as not to harm the environment and is easy to be removed, if necessary, in addition to being low cost and easily reproduced. We chose to make the stencil files available on the website, to encourage the public to take the initiative and contribute to the dissemination on their own.

The stencils applied


The site offers various contents that facilitates the search for information about menstrual cups. In addition, it extends to related issues, such as other alternatives that differ from the disposable pads we find in pharmacies, such as cloth pads.

The site was developed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHO, using the JQuery library and the Bootstrap framework. The domain, being the same as Instagram, makes it easier for the user to remember when searching or when to suggesting to friends.'s site pototype



This project addressed a female public health issue in a light and relaxed way.
The interdisciplinary characteristic of
design stood out in the process, along with the individual capabilities of each designer.
It was truly a learning experience obtained on a topic that had very little coverage in everyday life, and that touched the life of many. Though the project didn’t more forward, the experience to be had were more than valuable.


want to know more about the process?

You can download the report here.

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